Stockholm, Sweden

Featured list of popular hotels in Stockholm

Photo by Linus Mimietz

Let's check the most popular hotels in Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, the captivating capital of Sweden, it presents itself with its rich history, modern cultural scene, and refreshing ambiance. As its allure continues to attract visitors, the city’s hotel offerings have expanded significantly.

Cozy hotel room

Navigating through the wide selection can be daunting, but fear not. In this curated guide, we’ll showcase some of Stockholm’s top-rated and hotels that are popular among frequent travelers to simplify your decision-making process. Our popularity index considers factors such as a review rating of 8 or higher, comments count across various online travel platforms, proximity to the city center, comfortable rooms, quality breakfast options, and affordable prices. Let’s delve into the finest accommodations Stockholm has to offer for an unforgettable stay in this enchanting city.

Popular hotels in Stockholm, SWE

The list is regularly updated

How to benefit from the list of popular hotels in Stockholm

  • See the hotel, use the photo slider of each hotel snippet
  • Enter your preferred dates & click on the button “See prices” to see the best prices of the hotel in a new window of the hotel search engine
  • You’ll find price offers from 10s of online travel agencies and booking systems in one place

Radisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel, Stockholm

Hobo Hotel Stockholm

Blique by Nobis, Stockholm

ProfilHotels Central

Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel, Stockholm

Hotel Hornsgatan

Courtyard by Marriott Stockholm Kungsholmen

Hotel Birger Jarl

Best Western and hotel

Mornington Hotel Stockholm

Best Western Plus Sthlm Bromma

Pärlan Hotell

How does the list of popular hotels in Stockholm help you?

  • The collection of highly-rated hotels in Stockholm makes it easier for you to find good-quality accommodation that suits your preferences and budget.
  • Additionally, the list makes it simpler to compare different hotels, helping you make a well-informed choice about where to stay.
  • The curated guide can also help you discover hotels in convenient locations, like those close to popular sights or public transport.
  • Furthermore, the list might provide information about hotel amenities such as restaurants, gyms, or business services.
  • Lastly, it can assist in finding hotels that offer special deals or discounts in Stockholm hotels, allowing you to save money during your trip.

Please note that the list of popular hotels in Stockholm is a compilation of hotels chosen based on their popularity and rating in various online booking systems, along with a selection of hotels chosen at random. This list is not reflective of our official opinion, and we cannot guarantee the quality of the hotels listed. The hotel information, such as photos, ratings, and prices, is provided by online booking systems that are connected to hotel aggregator systems.

Our travel planning platform, Euro Directions, is connected to hotellook hotel search system and provides the same services as the main search engine. However, we do not provide online booking services and do not represent any specific hotel. Please refer to our terms for further information.

Referral information: The information contains affiliate links, which means in case if users click to hotel links and make a booking, our website earns a commission.

Hope you’ll find what you looked for in the selection of popular hotels in Stockholm. Have a great travel!

☑︎  Did we miss any hotel? Please contact us in case if you think we should add more hotels to our hotel shortlist of popular hotels in Stockholm.

Vardan Papikyan
the authorVardan Papikyan
Vardan is a content creator and optimization specialist based in Armenia, Yerevan city. He's contributing with collecting travel stories on