
Prague-Madrid flights navigator

Photo by Saif71

Find the best airfares for flights from Prague to Madrid

Brief information about flights from Prague to Madrid

  • Distance: The aerial distance between Prague and Madrid is approximately 1,630 kilometers.
  • Duration: The average flight time from Prague to Madrid is around 3 hours and 10 minutes.
  • Direct Flights: Direct flights from Prague to Madrid are operated by several airlines, including Ryanair, and Vueling.
  • Transit Flights: Airlines such as Air France, KLM, and Lufthansa operate transit flights from Prague to Madrid, with layovers in cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt.
  • Approximate Prices of Airfares: Direct flights from Prague to Madrid can cost anywhere between 70-250 euros, depending on the airline, time of booking, and season. Transit flights, on the other hand, can range from 100-400 euros.
  • Airport Transfers: In Prague, the most convenient way to get to the airport is by taxi or public transportation, which costs around 1-2 euros. In Madrid, the best option for airport transfer is to take the metro, which costs around 5 euros, or a taxi, which can range from 30-50 euros depending on the distance.

Compare PRG-MAD flights

Prague-Madrid flights as low as €56 [one-way direction]

Our flight comparison calendar makes it easy to find the best deals for flights between Prague and Madrid. Simply enter your travel dates, and our calendar will display the most affordable flight options for those dates, along with their respective prices.

How to effectively use the flight calendar?

  • You have the freedom to modify the location on the calendar by accessing the top left corner.
  • Once you have set your desired location, the calendar will exhibit the most economical flight rates for each month.
  • Clicking on a specific month will enable you to see the exact dates that correspond to the cheapest fares.
  • For more comprehensive information on a specific flight, you can click on the corresponding date.
  • From there, you can peruse the full terms of the flight or reserve your air ticket.
  • If you prefer a one-way or round-trip flight, you can adjust the setting situated on the top left side of the calendar.

Prague-Madrid timetable

See all direct and transit flight operators from Prague to Madrid.

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