
Flights to Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki, Greece

Flights to Thessaloniki from European cities

If you’re looking to find cheap air tickets to Thessaloniki, you might want to consider using’s flight search system. This system allows you to easily compare prices from different airlines and find the best deals on flights to Thessaloniki.

In addition to the flight search system, also offers a variety of travel guides that can help you plan your trip to Thessaloniki. These guides provide information on the best places to visit, where to stay, and how to get around the city. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, has the resources you need to make your trip to Thessaloniki a success.

Cheap flights to Thessaloniki, Greece

Calendar of cheap flights to Thessaloniki

How to use cheap flights calendar?

A calendar of cheap flights shows the best prices of air tickets for the specified destination in the month windows. You can click on the window to see the cheapest flight date. Clicking on the date window will guide you to the search results page where you can see all details of the flight tickets and choose the one that fits your needs or change the parameters using the search filters.

You can click on the Settings icon on the top left side of the calendar window to specify your travel route, change the type of the flight (one-way or two-way) and refresh the calendar.

Popular flight routes to Thessaloniki

Click on the flight route to see the flight prices:

Domestic flights

  • Athens-Thessaloniki
  • Heraklion-Thessaloniki
  • Rhodes-Thessaloniki
  • Chios-Thessaloniki
  • Lemnos-Thessaloniki
  • Chania-Thessaloniki
  • Samos-Thessaloniki
  • Mytilene-Thessaloniki
  • Kalamata-Thessaloniki

International flights

  • Amsterdam-Thessaloniki
  • Brussels-Thessaloniki
  • Stockholm-Thessaloniki
  • Larnaca-Thessaloniki
  • Pafos-Thessaloniki
  • Budapest-Thessaloniki
  • Berlin-Thessaloniki
  • Zurich-Thessaloniki
  • Munich-Thessaloniki
  • Stuttgart-Thessaloniki
  • Cologne-Thessaloniki
  • Dusseldorf-Thessaloniki
  • Dortmund-Thessaloniki
  • Nunrberg-Thessaloniki
  • Frankfurt-Thessaloniki
  • Vienna-Thessaloniki
  • Memmingen-Thessaloniki
  • Hamburg-Thessaloniki
  • Treviso-Thessaloniki
  • London-Thessaloniki
  • Milan-Thessaloniki
  • Bucharest-Thessaloniki
  • Tel Aviv-Thessaloniki
  • Rome-Thessaloniki
  • Belgrade-Thessaloniki
  • Kutaisi-Thessaloniki
  • Krakow-Thessaloniki

5 popular sights in Thessaloniki

  1. Visit the White Tower, an iconic landmark and museum that offers a glimpse into the city’s history.
  2. Explore the Ano Poli neighborhood, a charming and historic area filled with narrow streets, traditional houses, and stunning views of the city.
  3. Walk along the waterfront promenade and take in the sea views, visit the outdoor markets, and try some of the local seafood.
  4. Visit the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, which houses a wide variety of ancient Greek artifacts and is a great place to learn about the city’s past.
  5. Take a day trip to the nearby Halkidiki region, known for its beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters, and abundant natural beauty. Some popular destinations in Halkidiki include Sithonia, Kassandra, and Mount Athos.

Plan your trip to Thessaloniki

With our travel guides and flights and hotel search and comparison system, you can tailor your trip to fit your exact needs and budget. is designed to help find cheap air tickets, hotels, and tours in any destination in the world!

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Van Flyer
the authorVan Flyer
Contributor at
Van is a contributor to travel magazine. He is passionate about technologies, travel and blogging.

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