
Popular hotels in Barcelona

Popular hotels in Barcelona

What are the 10 popular hotels in Barcelona?

Are you planning a trip to Barcelona and looking for the perfect hotel? Here we go! See our list of popular hotels in Barcelona which will help you make the right decision to book a hotel for your trip in Spain, Barcelona. Euro Directions trip planner platform offers a smart hotel search and price comparison service to help you find the best deals on accommodations in the city.

Barcelona has a wide range of hotels to choose from, catering to all budgets and preferences. Some popular hotels in the city include:

Hotel Casa Fuster

Hotel Casa Fuster Barcelona
Hotel Casa Fuster Barcelona

Casa Fuster is a luxurious 5-star hotel located in the Eixample neighborhood of Barcelona. The building, which was designed by the famous Modernist architect Lluis Domènech i Montaner, has the status of a Speciality Monument and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Casa Fuster Hotel features a stylish restaurant that serves Mediterranean cuisine, as well as a jazz bar and a rooftop chill-out bar. Room service is also available.

Hotel Pulitzer

This chic 4-star hotel, located in the Gothic Quarter, features stylish rooms, a rooftop pool, and a trendy bar.

Hotel Ohla Barcelona

This trendy 5-star hotel, located in the Gothic Quarter, offers luxurious rooms, a spa, and a rooftop bar with panoramic views of the city.

Hotel DO Plaça Reial

This stylish 4-star hotel, located in the Gothic Quarter, features modern rooms, a rooftop pool, and a restaurant.

Hotel Mercer Barcelona

This luxurious 5-star hotel, located in the Gothic Quarter, offers elegant rooms, a spa, and a rooftop pool with panoramic views of the city.

No matter what your budget or preferences are, Euro Directions can help you find the perfect hotel in Barcelona. Simply use their smart hotel search and price comparison service to find the best deals on accommodations in the city. Know before you go: quick navigator of Barcelona is here.

Here is a list of 10 popular hotels in Barcelona randomly selected from popular options from famous hotel search services. Click on the hotel to see the room prices on 10s of hotel booking systems and compare the options to find the cheapest offer for your trip.

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