Milan-Tirana flights calendar

Milan-Tirana flights

Milan-Tirana flights. Photo by Gledisa Golikja

Calendar of cheap flights Milan-Tirana is your one-stop shop for all things travel, including flights from Milan to Tirana. Our flight calendar makes it easy to find the best deals on Milan-Tirana flights, with a wide range of airlines to choose from. Plus, with our user-friendly booking system, you can book your flight with just a few clicks. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to visit these beautiful cities – start planning your trip with today!

Milan-Tirana flights calendar

📅 How to use the flights calendar?

  1. The route is set from Milan to Tirana. You can change your location from the top left side of the calendar.
  2. See the cheapest price for each month for the flight from your location
  3. Click on the month window to see the exact date of the cheapest flight
  4. You can click on the date window to see the flight details
  5. Click on the flight details button to see full terms of the flight or book the air ticket
  6. You can use the setting on the top left side of the calendar to change the type of flight (one-way or two-way)

Here are some important points to consider when booking a flight from Milan to Tirana:

  • Flight duration: The flight from Milan to Tirana typically takes around 1 hour and 50 minutes.
  • Airlines: Several airlines operate flights from Milan to Tirana, including Alitalia, Air Albania, and Lufthansa.
  • Airport: Flights from Milan to Tirana depart from Milan’s Malpensa Airport and arrive at Tirana International Airport (also known as Mother Teresa Airport).
  • Baggage allowance: Each airline has its own baggage allowance policies, so it is important to check with the specific airline you are flying with for details on baggage weight and size restrictions.
  • Layovers: Some flights from Milan to Tirana may include layovers at other airports, depending on the airline and routing.
  • Flight frequency: Flights from Milan to Tirana are typically available on a daily basis, but the frequency of flights may vary depending on the season.
  • Ticket prices: The cost of a flight from Milan to Tirana can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the time of year, demand, and the specific airline. It is a good idea to compare prices and book in advance to get the best deal.

By the way… Did you see the bucket list of Milan?

Other flights to Tirana, Albania

Tirana, the capital of Albania, is a vibrant city with a rich history and culture. If you’re planning a trip to Tirana, there are several airlines that operate flights from various cities around the world, including Italian cities like Milan, Rome, and Bologna. Flights to Tirana typically take around 2 hours from most European cities, and the city’s airport, Tirana International Airport (also known as Mother Teresa Airport), is well-connected to the city center. Whether you’re visiting Tirana for business or pleasure, there are plenty of flights to choose from to make your trip a breeze.

Timetable of Milan-Tirana flights

Regular flights to Tirana

🇮🇹 Rome-Tirana
🇸🇪 Stockholm-Tirana
🇦🇹 Vienna-Tirana
🇮🇹 Milan-Tirana
🇬🇷 Athens-Tirana
🇮🇹 Bologna-Tirana
🇹🇷 Istanbul-Tirana
🇩🇪 Berlin-Tirana
🇩🇪 Frankfurt-Tirana
🇪🇸 Barcelona-Tirana
🇧🇪 Brussels-Tirana
🇮🇹 Verona-Tirana
🇮🇹 Turin-Tirana
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 London-Tirana


Euro Directions
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