
Cheap & popular hotels in Tallinn

Selected cheap and popular hotels in Tallinn, Estonia

Explore Tallinn, EstoniaFind hotels in Tallinn sorted by popularity, price and distance from city center

Tallinn – Estonia’s capital on the Baltic Sea, is the country’s economic and cultural center.

Our editors designed a special list of featured hotels in Tallinn for all type of travelers: for those who have a little budget and prefer to stay at cozy but not expensive hotels or guesthouses, and for those who prefer maximum quality and comfort.

Selection of hotels in Tallinn

The selected hotels of Tallinn are sorted by popularity, price and distance from city center


Tallinn hotels map and room prices


Enjoy your trip to Tallinn and read the traveler’s bucket list for Tallinn here »

ℹ Tips for travelers

Don’t miss in Tallinn, Estonia

  • Visit 13th-century St. Catherine’s monastery, the oldest building in Tallinn.
  • Stroll about Tallinn Old Town with unique architectural treasures, cobblestone alleys, and cafes.
  • Have the most spectacular view of the city from the observation deck of the Tallinn TV Tower, or dare to walk on the edge of the 314-meter-high tower.
  • Find the symbol of Estonia’s power, Toompea Castle, a pink Baroque palace and home to the Riigikogu (Estonian parliament).
  • Explore all the epochs of Estonian culture at the Estonian Open Air Museum, with 14 farms recreating the rural villages.
  • Feel the mystery of the USSR era by visiting Tallinn’s KGB prison cells with exhibits of historical events.
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