
Trending flights from Zurich

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Browse the most popular flights from Zurich

Browse the most popular flights from Zurich – the aggregated directory of flight routes that are most searched in Switzerland.

Popular flights from Zurich

You can click on the route to see the flight price, duration, operating airline, and other options such as booking services and travel agencies that offer air tickets from Zurich to the exact destination. You can also find an approximate cost for a one-way direct flight on this page.

New York City, USA
Zurich is a major destination for flights from New York. The route NYC-ZRH stays in demand in all seasons. New York City. Photo by Michael Discenza
Zurich-New York ∙New York €365-548
Operated by Swiss Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines
Zurich-London ∙ from €57-82
Operated by Swiss Airlines, Easyjet, British Airlines
Zurich-Barcelona ∙ from €91-125
Operated by Swiss Airlines, Air Europa, Vueling, Iberia
Zurich-Hamburg ∙ from €52-89
Operated by Swiss Airlines, Eurowings
Zurich-Frankfurt ∙ from €162
Operated by Swiss Airlines
Zurich-Munich ∙ from €162
Operated by Ryanair, Wizz Air
Zurich-Brussels ∙ from €70-230
Operated by Swiss, Air Europa, Ryanair (transit)
Zurich-Chicago ∙ from €460-545
Operated by Swiss, United Airlines
Zurich-Sao Paulo ∙ from €508-884
Operated by Swiss, Air France, Latam (Transit)
Zurich-Vienna ∙ from €78-223
Operated by Swiss
Zurich-Singapore ∙ from €445-900
Operated by Swiss, Transit: Etihad, Scoot, Cathay Pacific
Zurich-Amsterdam ∙ from €117
Operated by KLM, Swiss
Zurich-Paris ∙ from €89
Operated by Swiss, Air France
Zurich-Madrid ∙ from €44-69
Operated by Air Europa, Iberia
Zurich-Athens ∙ from €99-240
Operated by Swiss, Air Serbia, SAS, Condor
Zurich-Boston ∙ from €396-1130
Operated by Swiss, Iberia, TAP Portugal
Zurich-Venice ∙ from €124
Operated by Swiss, ITA Airways (Transit)
Zurich-Dusseldorf ∙ from €41
Operated by Eurowings, Swiss

A variety of airlines including Swiss, Austrian Airlines, United Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Eurowings, KLM, British Airways, Lufthansa, Air France, Air Europa, Aegean Airlines, Easyjet, Air Canada, and others serve Zurich International Airport (ZRH) of Switzerland. These airlines operate direct and transit flights to and from Zurich to destinations around the world, including destinations in Europe, North Africa, North America, and the Middle East. Our users can find detailed information on flights by mentioned airlines in the list of popular flights from Zurich below.

List of cheap flights from Zurich

The regularly updated table of cheap flights from Zurich provides the 10 cheapest routes from Zurich available at this moment for online booking in various reservation services.

See also the best dates of flights to Zurich and the ultimate guide for travelers visiting Zurich

* Please be aware that the flight routes, trends, prices, and other data mentioned on this page are based on information available on the date of publication. Trending data is based on search stats on various online reservation services, including the smart flight search service.

Van Flyer
the authorVan Flyer
Contributor at
Van is a contributor to travel magazine. He is passionate about technologies, travel and blogging.