Flights to New York from European cities

Flights to New York City

New York, Photo: Shutterstock

Explore available flights to New York from European cities

Experience the ease of finding cheap flights with Euro Directions without several searches in booking systems and calls to travel agencies! Our cheap flight calendar features make it easy to find the best deals on flights to New York from European cities. And with our guide, you’ll have all the information you need to make your trip a success. Let’s fly to New York and see all it has to offer!

Flights to New York from European cities

New York is a popular destination for travelers from Europe, and as such, receives several flights from European cities daily. With multiple airlines and airports to choose from, getting to World’s business capital from Europe is easier than you think. Make sure to check out the flight options in our list of flights to New York and plan your trip without lots of calls and searches!

London-New York
Direct flights are operated by Norse Airlines, Air France, Finnar, Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, British Airways, and Virgin Atlantic. Daily flights are available.
Approximate price of the one-way airfare: €350
Paris-New York
Direct flights are operated by French bee, Air France, Lufthansa, La Compagnie, Finnair
Approximate price of the one-way airfare: €350
Lisbon-New York
Direct flights are operated by TAP Portugal, Lufthansa, Air France
Approximate price of the airfare: €450
Vienna-New York
Direct flights are operated by Austrian Airlines
Approximate price of the airfare: –
Frankfurt-New York
Direct flights are operated by Condor, Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa
Rome-New York
Direct flights are operated by ITA Airways, Lufthansa
Madrid-New York
Direct flights are operated by Lufthansa, Air Europa, Virgin Atlantic, Finnair
Munich-New York
Direct flights are operated by Lufthansa, United Airlines
Approximate price of transit flight: €350
Amsterdam-New York
Direct flights are operated by Lufthansa, KLM, Air France
Approximate price of transit flight: €300
Milan-New York
Direct and transit flights are operated by TAP Portugal, Neos, Emirates, ITA Airways, Lufthansa
Approximate price of transit flight: €250
Warsaw-New York
Direct and transit flights are operated by Norse, TAP Portugal, Iberia, Condor, United Airlines
Approximate price of transit flight: €320
Stockholm-New York
Direct and transit flights are operated by SAS, Virgin Atlantic, TAP Portugal, Norse
Approximate price of transit flight: €250
Helsinki-New York
Direct and transit flights are operated by Finnair, Norse, Turkish Airlines, Icelandair
Approximate price of transit flight: €350
Copenhagen-New York
Direct and transit flights are operated by SAS, TAP Portugal, PLAY, Vueling, Icelandair
Approximate price of transit flight: €280

Calendar of flights to New York

If you’re planning a trip to New York, use our cheap flight calendar for checking all airlines, booking systems, and travel agencies that offer air tickets for New York flights from your specified location.

  • Compare all airlines, booking systems, and travel agencies
  • Find the best deals for your destination
  • No need to search on several websites
  • We compare all flight tickets in one place

How to use cheap flights calendar

  1. Select your location from the top left side of the calendar
  2. See the cheapest price for each month for the flight from your location
  3. Click on the month window to see the exact date of the cheapest flight
  4. You can click on the date window to see the flight details
  5. Click on the flight details button to see full terms of the flight or book the air ticket
  6. You can use the setting on the top left side of the calendar to change the type of flight (one-way or two-way)

Cheap flights to New York from your nearest location

Did you know?

New York City has the most skyscrapers of any city in the world.

5 must-do things in New York

  1. Explore the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of the largest and most comprehensive art museums in the world.
  2. Visit the American Museum of Natural History to learn about the natural world and the universe.
  3. Take a stroll through the High Line, an elevated park built on an old railroad track.
  4. Check out the colorful street art in the Lower East Side and the SoHo neighborhoods.
  5. Take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Liberty Island for a close-up view of the iconic statue.

See available guided tours in New York USA

Van Flyer
the authorVan Flyer
Contributor at
Van is a contributor to travel magazine. He is passionate about technologies, travel and blogging.