Platja Del Bogatell beach in Barcelona

Trip from Barcelona

trip from Barcelona

Where to go from Barcelona? We unveil the routes

What are best options for a trip from Barcelona?

Barcelona as a tourist destination is really full of many attractions and entertainment. However, travel lovers often also prefer to move from one place to another city, discover new destinations, or change their environment. We have researched different routes and identified the best options for tours from Barcelona.

🇪🇸 Contenido en español

Barcelona como destino turístico está realmente llena de muchas atracciones y entretenimiento. Sin embargo, los amantes de los viajes también suelen preferir mudarse de un lugar a otra ciudad, descubrir nuevos destinos o cambiar de entorno. Hemos investigado diferentes rutas e identificado las mejores opciones para tours desde Barcelona.

By the way: Attraction tours in Barcelona

Where to go from Barcelona?

As a link, Barcelona is conveniently located, and tourist alternatives can be found in nearby cities, both in Spain and France and in neighboring Andorra.

Map of cheap flights from Barcelona

Here we go with a cheap flight map for travelers planning a trip from Barcelona to any destination of European countries. You can notice that the prices of airline tickets for flights from Barcelona are as cheaper as a cost of few bottles of soft drinks: Barcelona-Granada flight ticket starts from €30*, and Barcelona-Toulouse air tickets price is €42*, a flight from BCN to Bordeaux costs €20*. Let’s agree that the flight prices from Barcelona to nearby and European cities are quite affordable and attractive.

🇪🇸 Vuelos baratos desde Barcelona

Aquí vamos con un mapa de vuelos baratos para los viajeros que planean un viaje desde Barcelona a cualquier destino de los países europeos. Puedes notar que los precios de los billetes de avión para vuelos desde Barcelona son tan baratos como el coste de unas pocas botellas de refrescos: el billete de avión Barcelona-Granada parte desde 30€*, y el precio del billete de avión Barcelona-Toulouse es de 42€*, un el vuelo de BCN a Burdeos cuesta 20 €*. Convengamos que los precios de los vuelos desde Barcelona a ciudades cercanas y europeas son bastante asequibles y atractivos.

Notification. All listed prices are current only at the time of writing this article and may be subject to change.

For our travel options from Barcelona, ​​we have chosen three ways: air transport, bus transport and train journeys. This guide will help you navigate the possible destinations from Barcelona and plan your trip to new discoveries.

Let’s find the best bus routes from Barcelona

Barcelona bus routes are varied, but there are three destinations: within Spain, to France, and to Andorra. You can choose one of these options depending on whether you want to continue your trip in Spain or head to one of the neighboring countries, France or Andorra.


One of the most convenient destinations for a bus trip from Barcelona is French Lyon. The cost of passenger transportation by Barcelona-Lyon bus starts from 29 Euros. You can check the availability of tickets and reserve them with this link.

🇪🇸 Vuelos baratos Barcelona-Lyon

Uno de los destinos más convenientes para un viaje en autobús desde Barcelona es el Lyon francés. El coste del transporte de pasajeros en autobús Barcelona-Lyon parte de 29 Euros. Puedes consultar la disponibilidad de entradas y reservarlas en este enlace.

Check tickets here


The Barcelona-Paris bus trip is also quite interesting. The Barcelona to Paris bus journey goes through Lyon and bus ticket prices start at €49.98. You can check and book Barcelona-Paris bus tickets here.

🇪🇸 Vuelos baratos Barcelona-París

El viaje en autobús Barcelona-París también es bastante interesante. El viaje en autobús de Barcelona a París pasa por Lyon y los precios de los billetes de autobús comienzan en 49,98 €. Puedes consultar y reservar billetes de autobús Barcelona-París aquí.

Check tickets here

Barcelona-Tudela [Inside Spain]

Barcelona-Tudela bus trip route
Barcelona-Tudela bus trip route

If you don’t intend to travel from Barcelona to neighboring countries, but you want to discover new places and make your holidays interesting, you can consider a Barcelona to Tudela trip. The price of a Barcelona-Tudela bus trip starts from 22.5 Euros. You can check the details with this link.

Check tickets here

See other bus trip destinations available from Barcelona here.

Trips by plane from Barcelona

In this section, we have selected several flight destinations from Barcelona that are most popular among passengers.

Barcelona-Milan flights

In any case, air travel is more preferable for many tourists, and in that case, you can consider one of the most convenient flight destinations from Barcelona to Milan, Italy. Air ticket prices for the Barcelona-Milan trip are always quite cheap, which is due to the availability of flights of several budget airlines serving this direction. Below you can see the prices of Barcelona-Milan air tickets and the calendar of cheap flights.

🇪🇸 Vuelos baratos Barcelona-Milán

En cualquier caso, viajar en avión es más preferible para muchos turistas, y en ese caso, puedes considerar uno de los destinos de vuelo más convenientes desde Barcelona a Milán, Italia. Los precios de los billetes de avión para el viaje Barcelona-Milán son siempre bastante baratos, lo que se debe a la disponibilidad de vuelos de varias compañías aéreas de bajo coste que operan en esta dirección. A continuación puedes ver los precios de los billetes de avión Barcelona-Milán y el calendario de vuelos baratos.

Attractive excursions in Milan

While in Milan, don’t forget to spend some of your time on the most famous excursion, The Last Supper.

Barcelona-Lisbon flights

Another cheap destination from Barcelona is to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. This is one of those routes that you need to book just because of the price of the plane ticket. The prices of Barcelona-Porto air tickets start from 15 Euros.

🇪🇸Vuelos baratos Barcelona-Lisboa

Otro destino barato desde Barcelona es a Lisboa, la capital de Portugal. Esta es una de esas rutas que necesitas reservar solo por el precio del billete de avión. Los precios de los billetes de avión Barcelona-Oporto parten de los 15 euros.

Excursions in Lisbon

Barcelona Malaga flights

The prices of Barcelona-Malaga air tickets are no less attractive, starting from 20 Euros. It is probably not worth missing the opportunity to see another Spanish city.

Excursions in Malaga

Trips by train from Barcelona

No matter where we travel, the most remarkable and authentic is the train ride, which provides the best experience for every passenger and every taste.

Barcelona-Madrid by train

Traveling by train from Barcelona to Madrid can be a great option for a tourist to have the best memories and travel experiences. This Spanish route will introduce you to many local elements, will allow you to be enchanted by the scenery and settlements along the way.

See ticket prices

Barcelona-Valencia by train

Another destination worthy of attention is Valencia, which has as many and diverse attractions as Barcelona. In this sense, it is definitely worth traveling by train from Barcelona to Valencia, enriching our travel experience and admiring the authentic attractions.

See ticket prices

If these destinations weren’t enough for you or don’t motivate you to fly to new destinations from Barcelona, you can search for the destination that suits you with the help of our platform’s flight comparison tool here.

the authorVan Flyer
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Van is a contributor to travel magazine. He is passionate about technologies, travel and blogging.

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